第86章 硬伤(1 / 4)

:我是谁: 石头FM 2628 字 7天前






“Kaofeier, hy am I not o of thi fahion ho?(考非儿,为什么这次时装会的名单上没有我?)”考非儿办公室里的一个女声道。

“bella, you uan, no it'''''''' all a orl of young people, an I on''''''''t ay you alo kno that!(贝拉,你明白的,现在都是年轻人的世界,这个我不说你也知道的嘛!)”考非儿的声音道。

“hat o you mean? Are you aying I''''''''m getting ol?(你什么意思?你是在说我老了吗?)”女声有些吃惊的道。

“Although thi tatement i hurtful, it i a fact that you are inee oler than them. only young people highlight the youth an vitality of my bran'''''''' clothing. An you only make my bran clothing look ugly.(虽然这句话很伤人,但这是事实,你确实要比她们老。只有年轻人才能衬托出我品牌服装的青春和活力。而你,却只能令我的品牌服装出丑。)”考非儿的声音道。

“No that you think I''''''''m ol, you''''''''ve fotten ho you begge me to e to your pany in all ort of ay back then!(现在你嫌我老了,你都忘了那个时候你是怎么百般的求我来你公司的了!)”女声气愤的道。

“bella, you''''''''re right. being young i capital, an the ol i being elimihi i a natural la that no one ge.(贝拉,你说的没错,年轻就是本钱,老的旧的就是要被淘汰,这是自然规律,没人能改变这一点。)”考非儿的声音道。

“Kao Fei''''''''er, I have been ith you for o many year, ahout any creit, there i till har ork. ho coul you leave me unattene!(考非儿,我已经跟了你这么多年了,没功劳也有苦劳,你怎么能抛下我不管不顾呢!)”女声道。

“No, I''''''''ll give you ome money an give you another houe, an then e''''''''ll ettle the to.(不,我会给你一笔钱,再送你一套房子,然后咱们就两清了。)”考非儿的声音道。

“hat about our relationhip? ho e calculate our relationhip for o many year?(那咱们之间的感情呢?咱们这么多年的感情又怎么算呢?)”女声道。

“bella, thank you for thinking o! but I have to remin you that I treat you the ame a any female moel in our pany. I never have feeling for a moel. e leep, eat, an live together purely for our on nee.(贝拉,谢谢你能这么想!可我不得不提醒你,我对你跟对咱们公司的任何一个女模特都一样